Saturday, May 28, 2011

Lovely Friends!

My true friends :D
My real friend :')
Thanks to Hubby! He made this for me :p

Isha made this :b
Lasagna from Ilya!

Yeyeyeyer! I'm happy. My holiday is great! I love my holiday very much! (=

I'm glad. That I had a really good times with my lovely friends. I just don't know how to describe it in words. Alhamdulillah

3 weeks left before I leave. Hahaha... Complicated sentence! Well... I never expect that time could flies as fast as nowadays.. I was actually feeling like I just started my holiday.. and now it almost ends. Oh I need Doraemon! I need his magic swatch. Hahahaha... "Pintu masa" Hahahahaha Okay I'm so excited. Enthusiastic like a fat kid! I'm happy spending my time with my precious people. Happy laugh my lung out. laugh out loud like nobody's business. Yes I'm happy with my friends! :D Spending time living at home is such a good therapy for us as student. Sometimes, we might be bored but it is just a moment. Most of the time, it is such a good therapy and its fun. We don't have to worry about money any more, don't need to worry about where to eat what to eat any more. Just open your eyes and straight going to the kitchen you will find your happiness. When I'm bored, I'm happy chatting with my girls&boys and I asked them out. We met and laughhhhhed! Awhhh... I love you guys!

So I heard that those who applied for UiTM and other related are now already started with orientation days? Awww.. goodluck guys and girls.. Just keep in mind that you are lucky, you are accepted to get into UNIVERSITY.. no more high school. Its different this time. You gotta work harder and study smarter but don't worry, I bet you that University life is much happier and easier. Those who are not going for local University, just don't feel like you are stupid or feel like those who get into local University are smarter than you. I tell you, those who enter UiTM UM or any other University are still not granted to be a successful person in the future. It is all about ourselves, it is all about how we control ourselves. So, please, wake up. If you even get 100 A's in SPM, it is not gonna make you any smarter. Just don't let those who get more A than you make you down. It is just SPM.. ! When you get into University, it is different. Really! So yeahh goodluck !! :B

Result is so soon. Get ready Bakish :/ Quite scared.. I'm scared if my expectation is not reaching the level.. Scared of failing any subject.. Scared of the pointer.. Like seriously I need luck. I knew I've done those papers. The only thing that I can do is 'PRAY'... InsyaAllah.. Allah will help me. I'll accept the fate. I just hope, I'll get better this time! :') InsyaAllah Amin..

That's all from me. Takecare everyone! :)

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