Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Lets smile brightly

:) =]

Eheeeeeeee! Now, i feel way way betterrrrr and feel a laugh rising and quell my chestt! Thank God!

Today, in the morning, i frowned at my reflection in the mirror, huh again and again i have to woke up really earlyyyyyy! Grrrrr! It's seven o'clock! I went for had my bath and okay get ready to the same place haihh! Lame! I know that my life will be back to normal and i'll stop feeling like just not more than a radar's been skewed by some invisible magnetic force = i know that im such in a jumpy and irritable mood right since those days, but not today and tomorrow! I bet, i'll be okay! :) Today, i had my breakfast alone okay. haih! sokay, just like usual kan no ones can be my breakfast partner. its imposible and unbeleivable for Ady to wokeup early in the morning hahaha

Mcd Setttttt! tak sedap sangat !! hahahaha

I went there alone, ate my breakfast set alone, walk alone and drove my car alone hahaha bestnya!!!!!!!! (derrrrr) im always being alone kan? dah nasib.. hahahaha okay lupakan. So, all, take note okay, dont forget about this becoming Febuary 20 ehh, my brother's wedding. do come! ;p

Im now still counting days for going to Kedah sooooooon! haaaaaa im excited to see people in Kedah, watching their culture and all and okay please, im excited and enthusiastic now! haahaha

So, people, this is Paris! Pretty rightttt! hahahaha it is not easy to snap her picture okay. damn! kedekut! hahahah She came into my room trhu the window I think? Lol Well I really adore her.. so comelllllllllllll! Once I finished took her picture I opened the door and let her out but she kept seating on my bed. So cute la this cat.

Okay thats it dah la, im tired. just got back home from Bangsar Village. Till then. Bye all :)

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