Saturday, December 25, 2010


Dia tengah bengang :p
Dia tengah marah gila2 time ni. Type panjang gila! Hahaha
Tengah sedih muahaha

Ishhh rindu awak sayang :( Rinduu sangat.. Tak pernah tak dengar suara awak selama ini. Skype pun apa tah tak boleh call pulak call boleh dengar suara tak boleh :( kenapa ni ishh ym pun samo. ishh geram nyaaaaaaa :( by the way I tak lah sedih sangat since you dengan family you muahahha kalau dnegan kawan kawan memang tak dapat la eh -.- apa pun I nak bagitahu ayng since you were not around kan I tak pergi mana mana okay lifeless gila. Duduk rumah study then I tidur then petang I go makan hahaha gila tak ada life kan? phewww! Sepatutnya we go out shopping kan sebab xmas :( you dah janji duluuuuuuuuu =[ sedih la macam ni ish ish ish balik cepat sayangggggg! :( tak boleh tahan dahhh :'( rindu gila!

I can't wait to finish my diploma. I am bit regret, I should not taking diploma kan I should take foundation kot. Kenapa la dulu degil cakap mama -.- tengok sekarang dah menyesal pffffttt! Tapi diploma lagi selamat hahahaha whatever it is after diploma I nak study dekat tempat idamankuu :p hahahaha tapi kak na cakap korea punya business school the best masalahnya aku tak suka negara yang guna bahasa mereka sebagai bahasa perantaaraan hahahaha betul ke eja tu? pfft bairlah. Sekarang ni I should change my attitude semua. I should be ready for all exams. Don't play play anymore. lol lol

So this monday Abg Boy kahwin hihihi dapat jumpa mama yeyeyeyeyeyeyeyyyyy! :D Then I got class semua then got exams :( OhmaiGod! takut :( then new yearrrrrr! Oh my God I CANT WAIT OKAY M GONNA HAVE SO MUCH FUN I KNOW MY GIRLS WILL MAKE IT THEY WILL ROCK MY ASS NEXT WEEK hihihihi I can't waitt! :) TTDI here I come :) Sorry Bangsar, I should leave you for a moment since Ady is not around I don't feel like going back cause it will makes me feel awkward :s and sad :( I know. Everything and everywhere in Bangsar I see Ady :( Camne?! pfffttt! Then a week after new year sayang will be in M'sia already :))) YA ALLAH PLEASE MAKE IT FAST PLEASE MAKE ME FEEL LIKE USUAL AND PLEASE CLEAR MY BABY'S JOURNEY PLEASE YA ALLAH :( I CAN'T STAND NO MORE LIVING WITHOUT HIM :'(


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Oh my.,u really do have a very handsome looking BF., :)
    no wonder u miss die gyle babi kan.,
    haha but girl.,u have to be tough ok.,
    and u know what.,long-distance relationship will make ur relationship with him more excitement and more LIVE.,coz u hold the rindu so lame when the time u all akan jumpe balek.,time tu la u nak cite itu nak cite ini.,relationship mcm nie lagi fun., and dont worry as long die sayang u and its all that matters.,well this song maybe suitable for u :)
    Bruno Mars-Long Distance

  3. Hahaha thanks babe! :) mmg rindu sangat :( psssstt boleh pengsan bila bangun i tengok hp tak ada msg dia :( bytheway thanks for ur support k bbe! and thnx fr the song suggestion hahahaha
